¿Quieres tener un equipo de ventas por catálogo? No te pierdas esta historia real contada por la persona que logró sus metas y sus sueños.

Interview with an Expert in Building Catalog Sales Teams Achieve Your Goals!

Do you want to have a catalog sales team? Don't miss this true story told by the person who achieved his goals and dreams.

In this article we let an expert in catalog sales give us useful advice on forming sales teams. Yessy Mora began catalog sales many years ago in her native Venezuela and in about eight months she formed a sales team of more than 300 people. We share his story with you.

How Yessy Formed Her Catalog Sales Team

When I started in catalog sales I didn't have a team. Selling knowing that I was not alone became my dream; I was thinking about the benefits that having a good sales team could bring me. The idea was firmly in my head so I started talking about it with my friends and acquaintances. My great interest in achieving that goal led me to form my first catalog sales team; only three people were part of my team. I valued it greatly and really enjoyed having it, so I transmitted this emotion to my team. We met to talk about the new products that were coming to the company and how we could sell them.

Yessy Mora tips for forming your catalog sales team

After a while, meetings to discuss products and share sales experiences with my team members became a positive habit and our sales improved more and more. When my clients asked me about new products or information, I invited them to my catalog sales team meetings, in the end the result was that many people joined the group.

Things got better and better over time, you will surely be surprised to know that I had a catalog sales team of more than 300 people. After a while I started selling products from a company like Intima, why? Because the more variety you offered, the more likely you were to sell. Then I encouraged my team to do the same, so we weren't limited to only offering makeup, we also showed home products, women's fashion, men's fashion. And the result is not only that I can dedicate myself to my family and own my business, but also that I have achieved my original goal: to sell knowing that I was not alone.

Yessy's Tips to Build Your Catalog Sales Team

Here's my first piece of advice: Do you know what you want? Go for it! If your goal is to have a catalog sales team, you could start by talking about your plan to your acquaintances and friends, inviting them to participate in your new dream.

This is the second tip: Convey your enthusiasm, share time and sales ideas with your team.

Tip number three: Be proud of your team, it doesn't matter if it's small or not, it's yours and that's what's important. Feeling pleased with your achievement can make you feel confident; Confidence is contagious and very useful when inviting new people to your catalog sales team.

This is my tip number four: If you already belong to a catalog sales company, think about how participating in another one could benefit your team. If you like the idea then you could encourage your team to do it, never forget that the sky is the limit.

We are very grateful to Yessy for their collaboration and we will try to cover more of these topics in other articles in the near future and do not miss the advantages of having a catalog sales team. We would love to bring you lots of other selling tips from people like you, to inspire you to achieve your dreams. Do you like the idea? Let us know in the comments.

PS: If you want to share your story, send us a message. :)

Not as a sofa - Let's move on!!! :)

Comments (2):

Intima on

Que gran verdad, Ramona!

ramona on

Nuncamires haciatras Si la dicha es Buena

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