Frases Inspiradoras

The Best Phrases of Famous, Memorable and Inspiring Entrepreneurs

We all need entrepreneurial phrases to motivate our work and this collection of phrases will do exactly that. Get inspired and start the day!

Nobody said that being an entrepreneur was an easy task. If at any time you doubted your ability or felt like giving up, don't worry! Starting a job or activity is not easy and requires effort and enthusiasm.

Phrases from entrepreneurs to inspire you. I have not failed - Thomas A. Edison

That's why we decided to put together these phrases from entrepreneurs to inspire you. So that you start each day with good energy and enthusiasm, here is a collection of phrases from entrepreneurs to motivate your work with our favorites.

Phrases from entrepreneurs about the ability to succeed

Some of the most inspiring quotes from entrepreneurs are related to how much we put into making our work successful. When you're about to give up, remember the encouraging words of these entrepreneurs and keep going!

  • An entrepreneur sees opportunities where others only see problems - Michel Gerbe
  • Many people have ideas, but only some decide to do something today. ...But to make them come true” - Scott Belsky, co-founder of Behance
  • Ideas are easy, implementing them is the difficult part. -Guy Kawasaki
  • You don't need to have a company of 100 people to develop that idea. - Larry Page, co-founder of Google
  • Don't put a roof over yourself. - Oprah Winfrey

When you're about to give up, remember the encouraging words of these entrepreneurs and keep going!

Phrases from entrepreneurs to motivate your work about the love for it

Making an effort to try to work on something that we like and that fills us with satisfaction will make work not a job, but a pleasure! These are some phrases from entrepreneurs full of positive thoughts to encourage you in what you do.

  • If you only work on things you like and are passionate about, you shouldn't have a master plan for how everything turns out. - Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook.
  • When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind. -Henry Ford
  • You always give more than what is expected from you. - Larry Page, co-founder of Google
  • My greatest motivation? Keep challenging myself. -Richard Branson. President of Virgin Group
  • Going together is beginning. Staying together is progress. Working together is success. -Henry Ford

Motivational quotes from George Lucas

Loving our work will make everything easier. Nothing more satisfying than persisting on the path to success with a smile.

  • You can say anything to people, but the way you say it will determine how they react. -John Rampton
  • You can ask customers what they want, and then try to give it to them. But, the moment you can provide it, they will want something completely new. - Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple
  • If Option A isn't available, then let's kick Option B's ass. - Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO

Remember airplanes and get motivated | Entrepreneurial phrases Henry Ford

Success and failure: the best phrases from entrepreneurs so you don't give up!

Persisting and not giving up along the way is more difficult than we think. When you feel ready to give up, these inspirational quotes will be an encouragement.

  • Your unhappiest customers are your greatest source of learning. - Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft
  • Don't be intimidated by what you don't know. Ignorance can be your greatest strength and the key to doing things differently than others. - Sara Blakely, founder of Spanx
  • I am convinced that half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from those who have failed is perseverance. - Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple
  • It's okay to celebrate success but it's more important to heed the lessons of failure. - Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft
  • Don't be ashamed of your failures, learn from them and start again. -Richard Branson. President of Virgin Group
  • Fail often so you can succeed soon. - Tom Kelley, Partner at IDEO
  • I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways this doesn't work. -Thomas Edison
  • One cannot be brave if only wonderful things have happened to one. -Mary Tyler Moore

All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them | quotes from successful entrepreneurs Walt Disney

Phrases from entrepreneurs about the economic benefits of working with love

Increasing your income is one of the objectives when we start an activity independently. Below are some phrases about business and money.

  • Don't worry about financing if you don't need it. Today it is cheaper than ever to start a business. - Noah Everett, founder of Twitpic
  • A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business. -Henry Ford

Motivating phrases for entrepreneurs

As a bonus track we leave you this phrase from the famous Walt Disney “All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them”

Remember Master Yoda's phrase, “To do or not to do. There is no point in trying, just doing.” and now read this article on how to start a business with little money and start yours!

A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.

Phrases of entrepreneurs. We all need entrepreneurial phrases to motivate our work and this collection of phrases will do exactly that. Get inspired and start the day!

Phrases for successful women

Henry Ford on teamwork. Together we achieve more!

Image credits: Pinterest

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Einice Melendez on

Me encantan los estanpados y colores en los juegos de cama

Einice Melendez on

Me encantan los estanpados y colores en los juegos de cama

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