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How to remove stains from bedding in no time!

Don't give up when trying to remove stains from bedding. Learn how to remove that dirt that seems impossible and leave your bedding like new!

If we want to keep our whites impeccable, it is essential to know how to remove stains from bedding. Here are some tricks to leave your sheets and quilts looking like new.

How to remove stains from bedding in no time! If we want to keep our whites impeccable, it is essential to know how to remove stains from bedding. Here are some tricks to leave your sheets and quilts looking like new.

How to remove makeup stains

Many times we end the day tired and make the mistake of not removing our makeup before going to sleep. To remove mascara stains from bedding, follow the steps below.

  1. Dampen the stain with warm water.
  2. Gently rub a bar of white soap until it disappears and let the sheet dry.
  3. Rinse the bedding in your washing machine with the detergent you always use.

How to remove greasy food stains from bedding

Are you someone who enjoys eating in bed? Then your sheet or padding has probably been stained with food at some point. If the stain is grease, follow these tips to remove it.

  1. Sprinkle talcum powder on the surface of the greasy stain and let it absorb well.
  2. Brush the area gently, as if “combing” the stain so that the talcum powder comes off.
  3. Place the bedding in your washing machine as usual.

Phrases by Laura Esquivel. The visa would be much more pleasant if one could take the tastes and smells of one's mother's home wherever one went.

How to remove stains from bedding, the dreaded chocolate!

Chocolate is so delicious... and difficult to remove from fabrics! Dried chocolate is one of the most difficult stains to remove. If you have stained your sheets with it, try the following:

  1. Dampen a cloth with warm soapy water and rub it over the stain.
  2. Immerse the stained area in a container with white vinegar and let it sit for 1 hour.
  3. Rinse your bedding in the washing machine.

A trick to say goodbye to wine stains

Another enemy of impeccable bedding is wine stains. If you detect it immediately, do the following:

  1. Add talcum powder to it and let it absorb it.
  2. Brush it and then place a few drops of lemon on the stained area.
  3. Wash them in a traditional way.

What I love most about my home is who I share it with :)

Learn how to remove pee stains from bedding

Another typical stain that is difficult to remove from bedding is children's pee. This procedure is a good alternative to leave the little ones' sheets impeccable.

  1. Apply baking soda to the stain so that it soaks well into the fabric.
  2. In a container where the sheets fit (it could be the bathtub), place two cups of 10-volume hydrogen peroxide and fill it with warm water so that the bedding is covered.
  3. Let the garment soak for a few minutes.
  4. Brush the stained area and let it soak for a while longer.
  5. If the stain persists, apply white vinegar with a cotton swab to it, and wash it as usual.

These were some tips to remove stains from bedding and to keep it looking like the first day! because nothing is more beautiful than going to bed with clean, stain-free sheets!

Phrases - Where they understand you, is your home.

How about now we see these 10 tips for choosing comfortable and quality sheets for the bed ? We already know how to remove stains!!! :)

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