Hacer crecer tu negocio de venta por catálogo requiere de esfuerzo y contactos, pero pese a esto, lo que más importa es tu responsabilidad con la actividad. ¿Estás realmente comprometida con el crecimiento de tu negocio?

Are You Really Committed to Your Catalog Sales Business? To read!

Growing your catalog sales business requires effort and contacts, but despite this, what matters most is your responsibility with the activity. Are you really committed to growing your business?

There are many ways to build your catalog sales business and the reality is that they all work. However, to achieve the expected results it is necessary to be consistent with the chosen method for a long time. In addition, you must learn to implement this method correctly. That is, expect to make mistakes at first that you will correct the more you practice.

Discover how this commitment will help you grow your business.

Why are catalog sales representatives discouraged?

We see it often. Catalog sales representatives test online marketing systems, throw parties at their home, prepare fairs, and many more examples... Salespeople get involved and then stop! “It just doesn't work,” they say, and they've only tried it once! You can't do it once and stop. It is key to learn how to develop the chosen method correctly and be consistent with this task until you are doing it well.

Getting completely discouraged immediately and losing enthusiasm are two common and common mistakes that you must overcome for your catalog sales business to bear fruit.

The reasons why these activities can fail the first time are several: perhaps it has to do with the motivations of the people you invited to attend your party, perhaps it was not the right audience, perhaps you did not know how to close that sale (we have a great article on “Sales Closing Techniques” here if you want to read it)

As we said, many catalog sellers try a method to grow their business expecting it to give immediate results. Consequently, in a very short time they assume that this does not work and they stop practicing it. They abandon it because they ask the wrong question. The question is not whether the system works or not. The question is whether or not they are willing to do what it takes to make that method successful.

Are you really committed to your Catalog Sales business?

All methods work if we apply them correctly, but to do so you must be willing to:

  1. Learn how to carry out this method correctly
  2. Be constant. Continue practicing it until you do it successfully.

Consistency and patience will be your best friends in the catalog sales business. Try to have discipline. Being an independent representative allows you to work when and how much you want, but it is essential that you commit to your business. Remember that his success is directly related to your perseverance and your commitment to him.

Are you ready to pick a plan and commit to it until it works out? Come on lionesses, go ahead!

And now a little humor and health tips! To enjoy!

Clothes speak to me and tell me Buy me! - Funny quotes

This is what is behind the self-portraits (selfies) of us women

Drink this pineapple, cucumber and celery detox juice before breakfast 3 times a week, remember that this juice is a super detoxifier

Comments (2):

Noemi De Leon on

Hola Celia De Jesús,

¿Que tal? Quise responderte sobre el artículo en que te habla sobre la ropa y en que la compres…bueno no lo escribí exacto pero si lo puedes usar. Solo tienes que tomarlé una foto undiendo el botón de tu cel adjunto al botón del lado en tu cel a la misma ves y así le tomas una foto a la página y luego lo recortas como lo desees. Al final del recorté solo tienes que guardarlo en tus fotos y listo. Ya lo puedes usar en tu página de negocios! ?

PD mis instrucciones son para los que tienen un IPhone. Si tienes un Android, chequea como le puedes tomar una foto de tu propio cel. Y si no puedes ni el uno o el otro, puedes pedirlé a alguien que le tomé una foto al articulo y luego te lo envía por texto. Todo se puede. ?

Te deseo todo lo mejor. ✌?️

Celia De Jesús on

Muy Bueno este artículo, que pena que no se puede compartir el primer mensaje que dice; " A mi la ropa también me habla, y me dice; Cómprame!!!!, esta super para “ponerlo” en la página personal o de negocios de FB.

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