Frases de mujeres exitosas - Oprah Winfrey

11 Phrases from Successful Women: We All Need Encouragement and Inspiration

Today we bring you phrases from successful women, leaders and icons of entire generations, to inspire your day.

We all need at some point to lift our spirits or inspire us. That's why we put together this collection of phrases from successful women to stimulate our day!

quotes from successful women - The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.-Oprah Winfrey

The road to success and achieving your goals can be hard and, often, discouraging. An entrepreneurial woman lives by multitasking. She can be a mother, a salesperson, an executive, a recruiter, an accountant and a thousand other tasks at the same time. Work is exhausting and we need to recharge our spirits. And what better than some phrases from successful women who managed to achieve their goals to obtain inspiration?

Phrases from Successful Women about Limitations and Fears

We all have limitations and fears. We may think that we are not as capable as others, or that we do not have the qualities that others have to win, perhaps we are not as engaging and friendly as we would like to be and all of that limits us. We are afraid of failure and we create a destiny in our heads that is negative. (Be sure to read this article: Are you really committed to your catalog sales business ?) Let's think about the phrases of successful women who have fought against adversity and who inspire us today.

Phrases of successful women. The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they have none.-Alice Walker

  1. When you think that you cannot achieve your goals, remember this quote from Indira Gandhi when she said: “People who think they are not capable of doing something will never do it, even if they have the skills.”
  2. Madonna, despite tremendous criticism, is another of the successful women that we can use as inspiration. She is a singer, songwriter, and also a businesswoman. His phrase is powerful: “Many people are afraid to say what they want. That is the reason why they do not get what they want.
  3. “How many worries we get rid of when we decide to stop being something to be someone,” Coco Chanel. If you ever had the opportunity to read her life story, Coco struggled to be true to her style and her vision of fashion. The Maison Chanel is reliable proof of having achieved this.
  4. “We gain strength, courage and confidence from every experience in which we truly stop to look fear in the face. We must do what we think we cannot,” Eleanor Roosevelt. First Lady of the United States, diplomat and politician.
  5. “You can't control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” This phrase by Maya Angelou tells us about the limitations that the environment in which we live can impose on us.

Phrases of successful women. Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.

Beautifully Inspiring Phrases of Successful Women

There are days when you just need a little inspiration and positive energy. These phrases from successful women are so positive that they will change your mood immediately. Enjoy them!

6. The American presenter, producer, actress, businesswoman and successful book critic, Oprah Winfrey said “Passion is energy, feel the power that comes from focusing on everything that excites you.”

7. “If you obey all the rules, you'll miss out on all the fun,” Katharine Hepburn, actress famous for her strong independence and energetic personality. And we add that if you don't have fun you will soon lose the desire to move forward. So today, remember that spark that made you choose what you are doing and light it again.

Phrases of successful women - Oprah Winfrey

8. The famous writer Joanne Rowling, author of the Harry Potter saga, said “It is our choices that show who we really are, much more than our abilities” and another of her famous phrases reads “It is important to remember that we all have magic within us.” we."

9. Who better than Mother Teresa of Calcutta, symbol of peace and love of all times, to remind us that “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

10. A very wise phrase from the undisputed queen of jazz, Ella Fitzgerald. “Don't stop trying to do something you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong.”

11. Michele Obama encouraged women with the following phrase “Instead of letting their difficulties and failures discourage you, let them inspire you.” Not bad advice, right?

Choose the phrase with which you feel best represented and write it down or print it. Share it on Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest - so you can read it whenever you need - and use it as inspiration for those moments when you get discouraged.

And remember the phrase of the famous and successful psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross: “The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, suffering, struggle, loss and have found a way out of those depths.”

Which of these phrases from successful women do you prefer? Or click here if you want to continue reading quotes from famous entrepreneurs !

Sayings about life. The Charity begins with oneself.

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Gilberto on

Yo soy miembro y me a gustado como me eayudado con sus buenos presios y sus buenacalida

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